Mt. Katahdin 1958

1958 Kabeyun Mountain Club

Katahdin was the big trip, KMC only--six days out of camp, timed to return during Sunday dinner with great fanfare. This photo on Katahdin (1958) shows the founder of the KMC (Ivan Hall) in profile. The other great inspiration for the KMC during my day, Charlie Scott, is seen here at the top of the photo--the new head of the Trips Department that year. Between the two is John Barrett. Pete Kincaid, a CIT working with Charlie, searches for a dropped orange slice. Moving counter-clockwise from him are the following KMC members: Bruce McLeod, Bill Gamble, Bill Overfeldt, Stan Van Mayrhauser, and Bob Sills.

1958 KMC Photo and text courtesy of Doug Cameron.


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